====== Goods ====== Goods are of material nature like for example raw materials, spare parts, semi products, finished products and similar. ===== Variations ===== If defined in the [[en:brix:companies:settings]], goods can have variations. Stock levels are accounted for either the item itself **or** for each individual variation. This is controlled by the //Stocks checkbox// in the ~ITEM~ tab. This flag can not be changed if either the parent item or any of the variations have a stock level in any department. All stocks in all departments need to be cleared out prior to such a change. The //Stocks checkbox// is set in the ~ITEM~ tab. The variation tab only shows the Stock status and can not be changed there. Upon a save in the ~ITEM~ tab, Brix will automatically set the //Stocks checkbox// for all **existing** variations. If a variation is added at a later date, a simple save in the ~ITEM~ tab will set the //Stocks checkbox// in all variations. The //Sellable flag// enable the item to be added into invoices. ===== Procedures ===== * [[en:brix:goods:changeStockItemVariation]]