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Transfer stocks from between departments

  1. Select department from which the goods need to exit.
  2. Enter a Goods Out document, type “MSD - Inventory transfer” with all goods that need to go out of selected department. Only enter quantities, do not ammend the prices or values.
  3. Check and approve the Goods Out document
  4. Select department into which the goods need to enter,
  5. Enter a Goods In, type “MSD - Inventory transfer” and in the [Goods Out} field select the previous Goods Out document.
  6. Save the document
  7. Check if the total value of the Goods Out and Goods In document are identical and then approve the Goods In document.
en/brix/goods/transferstocks.txt · Zadnja izmjena: 29/11/2019 14:28 od Zoran Spoja