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Goods In

The Goods In document can go through the following phases and corresponding statuses:

  1. Prepared - the goods receipt is in preparation, goods can be added, amended or deleted, the whole document can be deleted
  2. Stocks - all goods and coresponding received quantities have been entered and approved. Further entry or amending is not possible. The whole document can be voided. In the list of Goods Receipts these documents are shown in green.
  3. Purchase - All data in reference to the purchase value of the goods (purchase price, rebates, related expenses etc.) have been entered and approved. In the list of Goods Receipts these documents are shown in blue.
  4. Sales - sales prices of all the goods have been entered and approved. In the list of Goods Receipts these documents are shown in black.
  5. Void - the Goods Receipt has been voided. In the list of Goods Receipts these documents are shown in red.

Actual stocks are updated after approving the purchase phase or voiding the goods receipt.

Each user is granted access to a certain level (phase) to which he/she may enter the Goods Receipt.

Types of Goods In


~BASIC~ tab

  • {Type} -
  • {Number} -
  • {Date} -
  • {Purchase calculation date} -
  • {Sales calculation date} -
  • {Supplier} -
  • {Binding document} -
  • {Currency} -
  • {Supplier costs} - Total value of the purchase invoice including all rebates and supplier costs all without VAT less all discounts and rebates. This is the total invoice amount prior to VAT.
  • {Other costs} - Value of supplier invoiced costs of shipping, packaging and similar less any discounts/rebates on this cost all without VAT.
  • Other costs - Within this frame all other costs invoiced seperately to the goods invoice. For example shipping costs from other suppliers, customs expenses and similar. Amounts are entered without VAT.
    • {Supplier} -
    • {Purchase Invoice} -
    • {Currency} -
    • {Amount (Foreign Currency)}
    • {Amount} -
en/brix/goods_ins.txt · Zadnja izmjena: 24/10/2019 16:21 od Zoran Spoja