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Support requests (Tickets)

Support requests are aimed at users of company services who engage with their clients or users through messaging, such as accounting or software companies.


To ensure swift and effective resolution of Support Requests (ZZP), please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Provide a detailed description of the request.
  • Furnish specific data related to the issue, including company name, department, partner's name, partner's identification number (OIB), item name, document number, accounting account, etc.
  • Avoid general descriptions like “I cannot close the account.” Instead, specify additional details, such as the preparation of an invoice in department XXX of company YYY for customer ZZZ in the amount of QQQ.
  • Include document type, number, incorrect and correct amounts, and other relevant specifics in the description. Avoid attaching images with this information.
  • Error messages in Brix should be transferred to the ZZP description using the “copy/paste” method. Simply double-click on the error message in Brix to copy the text. Do not attach an image with the error message.
  • Refrain from attaching images unless necessary. If needed, for documents like cards or reports, highlight the incorrect information and provide written details on what should be corrected.
  • Elaborate on procedures in the description to aid in reproducing the process and identifying the issue.
  • If a Support Request (ZZP) is closed without resolution or needs additional information on the same topic, reopen the existing ZZP using the [OPEN] button. Add a new message in the message tab (the one with the envelope icon) with a detailed explanation or expansion of the request.
en/brix/post_tickets.txt · Zadnja izmjena: 06/12/2023 19:41 od Zoran Spoja